Our team FIDEC NC

FIDEC NC, is a force of a team, which is dynamic, interdependent, perfectly implied in the activity of the cabinet. The success of the cabinet is explained inter alia, by the deep agreement that reigns between the team members, the allied work environment to a rigorous professionalism and a very effective “communicative” data proccessing.

4 graduates Chartered Accountants Partners :

  • Marc CHEVRY, Chartered Accountant since 1991.
Fonuder of Coopers & Lybrand Consultants in Nouméa in 1994. Joined Coopers & Lybrand in 1996 as Partner.
  • Jean-Malo VILLEJIQUEL, Chartered Accountant since 2002.
Employee of  Coopers & Lybrand Paris in 1992. Joined PricewaterhouseCoopers Expertise Conseil Nouméa in 1999. Partner since 2003.
New Caledonia Chartered Accountant order President between 2013 and 2015.
  • Jean-David PLANTE, Chartered Accountant since 2007.
Employee of SCACCHI & Associés in Paris in 1995 and Partner in 2008. Joined Fidec nc Noumés in 2012.
Partner since 2012.
  • Nicolas JIMENO,  Chartered Accountant since 2016.

Employee of PG & Associés from 2011 to 2016

Joined Fidec nc in 2017
Partner since 2018
Nearly 35 Employees :
  • Chartered Accountants
  • One Jurist tax expert
  • One IT manager
  • Account Managers, Account Employees and administratives.